Monday, October 27, 2014

More on Traveling With Your Chainer

Back in May of 2013, I talked about how my W&G hand-crank made a nice laptop sewing-machine. Along those same lines, Carla M. from California wanted to find a machine she could use while flying/busing on a long trip coming up soon. She settled on a darling little toy Singer chainer, the Singer 20. She just sent me a photo of her giving it a test run while on a bus trip. Wonderful!!! Have chainer, will travel...and sew!!

Here is Carlas message to me this morning and a photo of her setup...

"10/26/2014 07:46 PM, Carla M. wrote:
Welp...  Here is the test run on a bus trip to PIQF... Worked like a charm!  I have a cutting board I clipped it to so I wasn't rockin' the seat in front of me.  A clipboard was not heavy enough to sit in my lap.  Non-slip pad on my lap so the board doesn't slip around.  I'll be making Bonnie Hunter's Maverick Stars.  They are all packed up and ready to go!  We leave in three weeks.

 Isn't that just the sweetest setup!!